VBS 2024

Join us for Vacation Bible School!!

June 23-26 (Sunday-Wednesday)


Completed Kindergarten through 6th grade

We will have music, games, crafts, snacks, Bible stories, and lots of fun as we explore LIGHT! Each camper will also receive a tshirt and other suprises. VBS is open for children who were in Kindergarten through 6th grade in the 2023-2024 school year.

Kid Registration: https://forms.gle/CoQvXsU1ZL5zSEcb9


Want to donate to help make our VBS great again this year? Please see our Amazon wishlist that includes items for crafts, decorations, and snacks. You can also give financially by placing money in the offering box labled “VBS”.
  • Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/1Z1IE12RLXWDB 


    Want to volunteer??

    We are so excited about VBS at Faith Bible Church, and hope YOU join us as a volunteer! Volunteer registration has officially closed. But if you have questions or ways you can help, please reach out to Joanna Medlock.

Have Questions?
Text or call Joanna Medlock at (979) 324-4128 or email faithkidsbryan@gmail.com

Kids Night of Fun (Parents Night Out)

Join us for a Camp Out themed Kids Night of Fun/Parents Night Out!

Friday, November 5 from 6-9pm at Faith Bible Church.

This event is for babies-preschoolers and kindergartenders through 6th graders!

Registration now open at tinyurl.com/FaithPNO

Registration closes on Sunday, October 29.