Summer Announcements

SUMMER SCHEDULE — Sunday school, groups and studies are on summer break. But don’t wait on us for fellowship! Use this time to reach out to one another, invite someone over, meet up, share meals, have fun, and talk about Jesus!

SUN. MAY 8 — This is our LAST Bible Study/Sunday School of the semester. Please join at 9:15am. This is for ALL AGES! 

WED. MAY 18 — LINK PARTY 6-8pm at the Skrabaneks’ (4908 Williams Ridge Ct, CS). More hang outs and Bible Studies to come. Contact Phil Skrabanek for info. (832) 289-9944.

SUN. JUN. 5-10 – FAITHWORKS (Local Youth Service Week). Signup deadline for youth is Wed. May 11th. Submit service project needs for consideration by May 15th to Kelley Kelbly, Estela Braswell or David Mervish (979) 820-2984.

SUN. JUN. 26-29 – FAITH VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! Sun. – Wed. 6:15-8:30pm. Volunteers needed! For questions or to sign up to volunteer, contact Joanna Medlock (979) 324-4128

SUN. AUG. 7 — Congregational Meeting 

SUN. AUG 14 — Congregational Vote 

Operation Christmas Child– Each month this summer we will be collecting different items to add to boxes in the fall. For the month of May please bring small stuffed animals. These can be new or gently used, like new conditions. Small enough to fit in a shoe box. There will be a box to place these items in at the church. 

Volunteers Needed for Vacation Bible School!! Join us for Faith’s first VBS on June 26-June 29. 6:15-8:30pm. For questions or to sign up to VOLUNTEER contact Joanna Medlock (979) 324-4128. (Children’s Registration will begin soon).

Join our Hospitality Team- We need help with meal train, Sunday morning greeters, coffee crew, bereavement team. There will be a sign up table after church on May 15th or contact Kayela Barksdale (979) 383-4975.

Join Children’s Nursery- Interested in helping in the children’s ministry this summer with preschoolers, toddlers or babies? Contact Krista Parsons (817) 680-0140.

BELONG – Join a small group this Fall!

* Most are on Summer Break. Contact leader to confirm. 

  • SUN 9:15am – Bible Study for every age group
  • SUN 6:30pm – Davis Home Group (352) 359-2812  
  • MON 6:30pm – Women’s Bible Study (210) 501-4209  
  • TUE 9:30am – Women’s Day Study (352) 359-2811
  • TUE 6:30pm  Men’s Dinner/Study 1st Tue/mo (979) 492-2867
  • TUE 7:00pm – Knowles Home Group (281) 768-9595  
  • WED 6:00pm – “LINK” Youth Group (972) 762-7591  
  • WED 6:00pm – Whisenant Small Group (979) 820-2226   
  • THU 10:00am – Orts “Young at Heart” Small Group (979) 777-2631  
  • THU 6:30pm – Jennings Home Group (979) 324-4800


Baptism – Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022

Baptism February 27, 2022

If you believe in Jesus and you have never been baptized, let us know. Baptism is a great way to show on the outside what you believe on the inside. Baptism is a picture (as you go into the watery grave and arise anew) of how Jesus died and rose from the grave in new life. If you have questions about baptism or would like to be baptized, please let us know ASAP. Contact:

Baptisms will occur during the worship service (10:30am) at Faith Bible Church (1282 FM2776, Bryan, TX).