LINK Parent Coffee

Parent coffee event for grades 7-12. Stick around after church to meet the youth leaders!

Men’s Dinner + Bible Study

Men… assemble! Bring a bro and Bible. Come hungry to feast on food and the Word, 6:30pm at Faith Bible Church. (This happens the first Tuesday of every month.)

Ladies Day Study

Location: Faith Bible (childcare provided) Contact: (352) 359-2811

LINK Youth Group

7-12th grade Location: Faith Bible Contact: (979) 571-5780

Whisenant / Suel Group

Location: Faith Bible (childcare provided) Contact: (979) 820-2226


If you believe in Jesus and you have never been baptized, let us know. Baptism is a great way to show on the outside what you believe on the inside. Baptism is a picture (as you go into the watery grave and arise anew) of how Jesus died and rose from the grave in new