OCT 31 Halloweenies

OCT 31 Halloweenies Let us know ASAP if you would like to host a block party to meet your neighbors on Halloween. We would like to provide/pay for hot dogs, sodas, candy, bounce house, flyers etc. to help you make disciples in your own neighborhood.

We had block parties at three homes last year and gave out tons of free hot dogs and got to meet lots of neighbors. Let me know if you have any questions or want more info. Andy Vanderveer (979) 571-5780

NOV 16 Baptism

NOV 16 Baptism Sun. 9:45am at Faith Bible Church. If you believe in Jesus and you have never been baptized, let us know. Baptism is a great way to show on the outside what you believe on the inside. Baptism is a picture (as you go into the watery grave and arise anew) of how Jesus died and rose from the grave in new life. If you have questions about baptism or would like to be baptized, please let us know ASAP.