As you pray through where the Lord wants you plugged in here in Bryan/College Station… here are a few highlights about us: At Faith Bible Church we want more than anything for you to fall deeply in love with Jesus Christ and radically surrender to Him. As a non-denominational Bible church, we preach verse by verse through the Bible to see what Jesus has to say to us, and we sing (hymns and new songs) to exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We highly value community—deep relationships between all ages and backgrounds. People often say “It just feels like family.” We want to be your family away from home. We believe it is important for you to have community with your peers (who are going through the same stuff you are) and with older people (who have already been there). We have opportunities for you to mentor, be mentored, and serve. In short, we want you to love God (seek Jesus daily), love others (peer and intergenerational community) and go out (service, discipleship and missions). Here’s some of the stuff we have going on:

      1. Sunday Morning Worship Service 8am or 10:30am (all ages)

      2. Sunday Morning 9:15am Bible Studies (intergenerational)

      3. Various Mid-week Home Groups (college and intergenerational)

      4. 1st Sunday of the month 6:30pm “The Table” college gathering for dinner, teaching and worship

      5. Opportunities to be discipled and make disciples/mentor/teach K-12

      6. Service/Mission Trip Opportunities (Bryan, El Salvador, Romania, Kenya etc.)


So, welcome to Bryan/College Station! We’d love to meet you. And remember, as you look for a church home, just relax, pray and listen to Jesus. He’s already got this thing all figured out. If you want to try carpooling with our other collegians from campus or have any questions at all that you want to text or discuss over a meal or coffee, contact: Andy Vanderveer (Associate Pastor / College) (979) 571-5780 andyvanderveer@gmail.com or Kristin Vanderveer (979) 571-5789 kristinvandy@gmail.com.

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