College Stuff

Attention Incoming College Freshmen: As you pray through which church the Lord is leading you to here in Bryan / College Station, here are a few highlights of who we are and what we have going on for our collegians. At Faith Bible Church we want more than anything for us to all fall deeply in love with Jesus Christ and radically surrender to Him. As a non-denominational Bible church, we preach through the Bible and see what Jesus has to say to us. Starting in September we’ll be walking through Romans verse by verse. We also highly value community–deep relationships between all ages and all backgrounds, all worshipping together–singing both hymns and contemporary praise songs. It’s fairly common for someone to walk into Faith Bible Church and say “It just feels like family.” We’re a smaller church so it’s harder to slip through the cracks and easier to get plugged in. We want to be your family away from home. We believe that it is important for you to have opportunities grow in community with people your same age, going through the same stuff you are. We also want you to have opportunities for community with older people who have already been through it… as well as with younger people who you can pour into. So we want you to have both peer community and intergenerational community. Here’s some of the stuff we have going on:

  1. Prayer Meeting – 1st and 3rd Sunday ea. month 8pm  (college only) 2339C Autumn Chase Loop, CS
  2. Free College Dinner – last Sunday ea. month 6pm (college only) 4915 Park Land, Bryan
  3. Sunday Morning Worship and Bible Study (college and adults combined)
  4. Wednesday Night Bible Study at church and various small groups (college and adults combined)
  5. Various Service Opportunities to mentor/teach K-12th graders
  6. Free College Cookout: Friday Sep 5, 6pm 6828 S FM2038 Bryan, TX 77808

So, welcome to Bryan/College Station! We would be honored to meet you / worship with you / hang with you. And remember, as you look for a church home, just relax and pray and listen to Jesus… He’s already got this thing all figured out. If you want to try carpooling with our other collegians from campus or have any questions at all that you want to text or call about or discuss over coffee, contact:

  1. Andy Vanderveer (Student and Worship Pastor) (979) 571-5780 
  2. Leah Hudspeth (Faith Bible Church Intern, A&M Senior) (940) 395-7967