JUL 27 (THIS WED) 6-12th grade LINK Pool Party and BAPTISM 6pm-8pm at the Kelblys (9470 Kurten Cemetery Rd). Pizza a drinks provided. Bring a snack to share…AND A FRIEND. Jacob Kelbly is getting baptized! So come celebrate!
Faith Bible Church of Brazos County
A gospel-centered, intergenerational, traditional and contemporary, non-denominational, expository preaching, Jesus Christ-exalting, relational discipleship, loving community-focused, Bible Church in Bryan, College Station, home of the Texas A&M University Aggies
JUL 27 (THIS WED) 6-12th grade LINK Pool Party and BAPTISM 6pm-8pm at the Kelblys (9470 Kurten Cemetery Rd). Pizza a drinks provided. Bring a snack to share…AND A FRIEND. Jacob Kelbly is getting baptized! So come celebrate!