MISSIONS: See www.brazosfaith.org/go for the latest deadlines and information for our Spring Break and Summer Mission Trips.
MON JAN 12 – Ladies Leadership Training
LADIES LEADERSHIP TRAINING – If you want to be more intentional in building the Kingdom through discipleship, individual or small group, we are having a leadership training, Monday, January 12, at Denise Marshall’s house (6778 S FM 2038, Bryan, TX 77808), 6:30-8:30, dinner provided–RSVP to Denise (email or text 210-501-4209). This training will simply give general principles of being a disciple of Christ and effective ways of sharing that very relationship with others. We will also discuss how to facilitate a Bible study group, such as, guiding small groups in intentional discussion and encouraging others in their daily lives and in their ministries.